Saturday, September 03, 2005

Kayne West/Katrina

The lack of real coverage of current events is seem at it's most obscene now with Katrina. I saw all the faces of African Americans left behind on the news and I was baffled no talking heads on CTV or the US networks (I won't even bother mentioning Fox News or Global) made mention of this. It's taken till now. Till a rapper finally stated what is right in front of our faces. Not the CBC. Not Peter Mansbridge. Not George Strempelous (or however his name is spelt.

This is the shame of the CBC lock out. This is the shame of Rabinovitch.

The world should be using the CBC lens as the only honest network in North America. The only honest voice. Even CNN which has done a decent job during disaster of a disaster relief still has Wolf Blitzer saying crap like "So poor and so black". Even their acknowledgement of the racism of this disaster is racist. Yet the CBC give me more antiques. It started off as a joke but now I'm really wishing I would have learned french years ago so I could get some truth from RDI. And I'm wondering if that may be the only choice for the future.

From the Tea Makers blog it seems that management is hell bent on getting their agenda through. They have it planned out for months in advance. I suppose that plan includes pulling out more archive tapes of "This hour has 7 days" or whatever for Newsworld and more topless women ala Old School.

I'm getting the impression that the management of CBC would be quite content if the progressive voice of the "Mother Corp" would wither away and die. With the "McJobs" that is being proposed in the contract negotiations I wouldn't be surprised if they used this as a barometer to find out whose "right" for the position if you get my pun. I wouldn't be surprised if the world renouned coverage of Peter Mansbridge and The National/Journal (yep I watched the CBC as a kid and I'm still calling it that :p and while we're on that topic the great orange logo should have stayed) will end when Mr. Mansbridge retires. If you're working a McJob there really isn't the time or energy to dig deep to get to the truth. There's too much time being eaten up by trying to stay afloat in your own life.

If the bigwigs at CBC get their way I might as well follow my life long dream of working for the CBC. After all I'm allowed to work up to one shift a week on disability and I imagine that's what the new "CBC" will look like. Part timers, journeymen, people with no real devotion to the truth. At least I'll have the latter. Hell I'd apply now if I didn't have this pesky moral thing against crossing a union line. ;)

The CBC's apparent lack of interest in any sort of real news coverage during the lock out is an omen. The coming of the PBS'ing of CBC. Better get a parka Tucker Carlson. Looks like you'll be heading north.

The unedited video of West telling the truth that the workers at CBC have been gagged from telling

Like a town cryer I've posted this to every CBC lock out victim blog I saw that looked active and allowed comments. The end of the CBC could be here unless the federal government steps in soon. But perhaps that's what the "libera" Martin wants. btw - I did not mispell cryer. The most you can accuse me of is a bad pun over a bad situation in the corp.